Under the stars: Stories of culture, community and ecology

Dark Sky Tasmania and River Run Lodge invite you to join us under the stars for stories of culture, community and ecology - and how you can make a difference.

6-10 pm Saturday 29 October 2022

Have dinner in Tasmania's deep south and join us for:

  • Storytelling around the fire with Aboriginal elder Theresa Sainty, and Trish Hodge

  • Bat discovery walk and talk with local bat expert Lisa Cawthorn

  • Lighting demonstrations with lighting experts Landon Bannister and Stuart Hamilton

And music by local Irish folk band, Ned's Friends.

The evening will run from 6-10pm. Tickets are $60 per person and include pre dinner nibbles and dinner. Drinks available for purchase at the tavern.

We encourage you to make a weekend of it and stay overnight at River Run Lodge who offer a range of accommodation options:

Accommodation can be booked by email at info@riverrunlodge.com.au or Phone 0492461293.


Images courtesy River Run Lodge