Our vision for Tasmania is to be a world leader in dark sky conservation and awareness, and we believe establishing a dark sky sanctuary in Tasmania is central to our goal of preserving and protecting Tasmania’s night sky.
This February, our campaign for Tasmania’s first dark sky sanctuary was renewed thanks to ABC journalist Jordy Gregg’s incredible efforts to promote our cause to the nation. Jordy learnt of our campaign thanks to a chance encounter with our Board Member, Miriam Shevland. This encounter led to Jordy joining us for our Dark Sky Event at River Run Lodge and the filming of a news piece for ABC News.
The campaign for Tasmania’s dark sky sanctuary was broadcast nationwide on ABC TV News. You can watch the segment here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVB3Ycodrpg
ABC News also did an article on our campaign to preserve dark skies and control light pollution in wilderness areas here - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-02-05/push-to-protect-our-dark-starry-skies-from-light-pollution/101926102
These two pieces were followed by a terrific radio interview between our board member, Miriam Shevland and ABC journalists, Helen Shield and Jordy Gregg. You can listen to that conversation at approximately 1:33:40 here - https://www.abc.net.au/hobart/programs/evenings/evenings/101914222
So what’s next? We are working on this year’s dark sky events including reaching out to stakeholders to help us realise our dream of a dark sky sanctuary in Tasmania.
What can I do to help?
Share our messages by sharing our dark sky segment and news piece with your friends, colleagues and local government representatives.
Join us for our next Dark Sky Event to learn more.