Lady Barron port
In what is believed to be an Australian first, TasPorts has recently endorsed a new Light Pollution Standard to help mitigate the impact of artificial light from their facilities.
TasPorts is responsible for managing eleven Tasmanian ports (and one airport!) around some of Tasmania’s most pristine coastline. Operating under an environmental policy that list the protection of marine environments as a key pillar, they were compelled to act after a recent incident concerning short-tailed shearwaters.
With light pollution being a significant problem for the species, it was feared that lighting from their facility at Lady Barron may have been a contributor to large numbers of shearwaters failing to complete their migratory journey.
The standard necessitates light pollution assessments of their facilities as well as specific requirements for new and upgraded lighting. Additional requirements are placed on the remote ports of Grassy and Lady Barron, particularly during the short-tailed shearwater fledgling migration period.
Pleasingly, initial reports from a recent upgrade completed under the standard at their Lady Barron facility have shown a dramatic reduction in the number of affected shearwaters.
This is a great example of an organisation going above and beyond to limit their environmental impact- not because they have to but because it’s the right thing to do.
Lady Barron port at night